100 Tropical Fruits, Nuts, and Spices for the Central African Home Garden

Does anyone know where this book can still be found?

mentioned in this previous article:

I’m basically trying to do the same thing both of the authors talked about and think this would be a REALLY good resource but can’t find it online, even to buy. Anyone know if there are digital copies available? I imagine it is in the ECHO library but I’m not planning on going there any time soon unfortunately.

I couldn’t find this book either, just now, after a pretty extensive search online. What I did find though is a wealth of other, similar books, many of which are free PDFs.

Hi Troy,
If you find great links for free pdfs, we are always open to considering such for inclusion in ECHOcommunity. Please feel free to include the links in your posts. Thanks!

Morton’s Fruits for warm climates is online and gives good information. I have a hard copy which I treasure. Monty


Snyder … I was not sure if it’d be okay to post links because I’m not so sure all of these are legal! I looked on https://www.scribd.com/ and https://www.pdfdrive.com/. Found lots on both of these websites.

Monty … yes, I’d forgotten about this one. Thanks for the reminder :slight_smile:

Our apologies, although it is not listed on the www.echobooks.net website, we do have that book in the ECHO online bookstore as well as " Agroforestry in the Central African Home Garden: A Manual for Tree Gardening in the Humid Tropics" also by @Roy_Danforth and Paul Noren. They are only available as paperback books, $20 for “100 Tropical Fruits…” and $15 for “Agroforestry…”
Until it is listed you may email books@echonet.org to request info on purchasing.

Here you go, Tyler.