Many of the practices that ECHO promotes to help improve and keep farmland sustainably productive also result in increased net carbon capture. However most of our documents (information) are intended to help farmers cope with changing climate and the annual variations that result. A main focus is on increasing resiliency and minimizing risk.
Some of these documents are:
- Best Practice Note #2 “Agriculture in Times of Climate Change”
- ECHO Summary of MEAS Brief #3 “Climate Change and the Role of Development Workers in Helping Rural Agriculture Communities Adapt”
- ECHO Asia Note #16 “A Toolkit of Resilient Agricultural Responses to Climatic Challenges in Tropical Asia”
- Presentation by Dr. P.K. Nair at the 2016 ECHO International Agriculture Conference “Increasing smallholder resilience through agroforestry”
The farmer’s role in combating climate change
In EDN #128 ECHO published an article by Eric Toensmeier on “Carbon Farming: Building Soils and Stabilizing the Climate”. Toensmeier makes the case that “Carbon farming” has an important role to play in the global effort to slow the addition of CO2 to the atmosphere and sequester carbon.
ECHO invites input from you about projects that are successful in promoting the integration of trees and/or incorporating carbon farming techniques. Your input could potentially be considered for ECHO publications with your permission.
- How are farmers integrating trees and perennials into their farming systems?
- How are farmers integrating improved cropping practices such as Green Manure/Cover Crops, crop rotation, mulching, protecting slopes and watersheds, conservation agriculture and other practices that result in a net capture of CO2?
- How are farmers integrating trees and perennials into their livestock systems (silvopastures, etc.)?
- Are any farmers changing to exclusively perennial systems?
- Are you receiving funding from carbon credits?