Hello all,
I’m wondering if anyone has every seen, heard of, or performed grafting of any Diospyros kaki (Japanese Persimmon) variety onto Diospyros nigra (Black Sapote) rootstock?
From what I’ve read in nurseries in the US, most Japanese Persimmons are grafted onto the rootstock of Diospyros virginiana, which is native to the US.
I know Japanese Persimmons need some chill hours and I think there might be some places where they could grow in West Africa, but I think getting different rootstock would be a good idea and since we’re already looking to promote and plant black sapote, I figured I’d see if anyone here knew anything about this or if they have any suggestions.
Hi Tyler,
I have never attempted to graft these two species together, but apparently it can be done. This is an article posted by Craig Hepworth, a Florida tropical fruit enthusiast. He has grafted Black sapote onto the native US persimmon with the hope of producing a more cold-hardy black sapote. He also thinks that the persimmon rootstock could potentially result in some dwarfing as well. He doesn’t mention having tried the reverse (persimmon onto black sapote) but expects that it should work. If they have been successful grafting Black sapote onto D. virginiana, then I would expect Japanese persimmon to be compatible with black sapote as well. It is certainly worth a try.
I hope this is helpful,
Tim Watkins
I’ve been wanting to grow persimmons in Thailand for years. I know they grow them in the north part of the country. But I live in the south! Maybe it’s just not possible, but I have a bit of renewed hope
Thanks Tim 
Do you have any idea what they are using for rootstock for the Japanese persimmons there?
Tyler, if you’re asking me, all I can say is that I don’t know! Seems possible that they planted persimmons, without grafting. That’s because there’s a several month long cold spell in the mountains of the north. But I don’t know for sure one way or another what they’ve done. Sorry!
@Josh_Jamison, any thoughts?
I have successfully top worked Black sapote with two Kaki scions, in the tropics.
Not sure about the long term compatibility.
Do you have any pictures? Approximately how old were the black sapote trees when they were cut and then grafted? What kind of graft?
I talked to Julien at Lara Farms in Homestead about this and he’s said he’s done it (grafted kaki onto black sapote) but the connection often isn’t the best and they end up falling off after a while.
I topped a 6-year-old Black sapote at 1.5’. Then Wedge grafted Kaki scions on 2-week old shoots grown from the topped Black sapote rootstock. Now, 6 weeks after grafting, everything looks fine. Though, not sure about the long term compatibility. Please find the pictures attached.
@Bryan_Beachy do you have any thoughts?
Any update on compatibility? Still going strong? I have some black persimmon rootstock to experiment with… thank you!
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