Looking for resources on the duties and responsibilities of a farm supervisor

Duties and Role of a farm supervisor

Download the “chat gpt” app and then type in what you want to know and be specific and you will likely get almost exactly what you are looking for… For example “Please make a list of the duties and role of a farm supervisor.” And you will get what you want. You can tell the AI app to make it longer or shorter, more specific to your situation. You can explain more about the type of farm and what you expect from the supervisor in relation to that farm. You can change your requests in any way and it will adjust to give you want you want in as much detail as you want. It compiles from websites and then summarizes very well in most cases. If you are not using “chat gpt” you are missing out on a very valuable tool.

Regarding AI as a component of your learning. The’ distinction between ‘good’ and ‘moral’ information from a powerful tool like Chat GPT may be deficient. I have just had an interesting conversation with an IT expert for a large banking system. That multi billion dollar operation DOES NOT rely AI for its research. Instead, it sequesters a vetted sub set of the internet information that allows its staff to search that which is assessed as ‘good knowledge’ and ‘non-hearsay’ knowledge. With that caveat in mind, Dan’s suggestion is not inherently wrong however, when public opinion begins to impinge on your AI request, you indeed may find the answers un helpful or harmful in the long run. The technical term for these kind of answers in the AI world is ‘hallucinations’. Let us ALL keep our eyes open brothers and sisters. I recommend a prayerful, human set of eyes to examine carefully all the results of these new tools. Blessings!

@JeffU and in response… Hallucinations: Yes it can happen but it is rather infrequent. I have seen two of them happen in minor ways and it was no big deal and I have searched Chat GPT at least 1000 times. It is a very valuable tool to use and I suggest we teach those in the developing world how to use it. It is like going from the slide rule to the calculator but in a much broader context. The gain for the developing world is much greater than for us in developed world. In searching out how to define the duties and roles of a farm supervisor it should be at peak performance as an AI. The more Christians use AI with a Christian worldview the more likely it will be influenced by our interaction. We can even make our own “templates” and constrain Chat GPT to our version of Christian worldview and have that in the background in our searches. I am not saying throw caution to the wind but right now the situation is quite rosy for the use of AI and we will benefit much. So we need to keep influencing key individuals through Biblical discipleship strategically and tools like AI will be a blessing. If we don’t do our role with discipling the world then AI will be a terror to us in the future because of the worldview of those who program it and even more so those who use it will be oppressive without a Christian worldview.