Medicinal Plant Programs or Institutions?

Does anyone know of programs or organizations working in teaching and understanding medicinal plants and herbs? I am interested in linking to educational resources, workshops for farmers, or research programs. There seem to be a few in the US, but is there any work being done in developing countries? No matter where the program is, it will be beneficial to connect and find out more. Thanks!

Hi Chris, Anamed immediately comes to mind. They have offices and programs in many countries including South Africa – Anamed is know mainly for promoting Artemisia but their seminars cover other aspects of natural medicine.
In Kenya, long time ECHO contact REAP has collaborated with Anamed and also offers seminars in natural medicines –

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Greetings! Dr. Armando Cáceres at the Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala is an expert on Guatemalan medicinal plants. He has written and researched extensively on this topic and would be a great point of contact who could both share his knowledge and connect you to other institutions working in this area. The folks at Maya Health Alliance / Wuqu’ Kawoq have also researched and published on medicinal plants in Maya Kaqchikel communities. A Kaqchikel/Spanish bilingual text on common herbal remedies and their use in treatment of simple illnesses can be downloaded for free here.

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Judy Ervine is a nurse at Eden Children’s Village in Doma, Zimbabwe and wrote a book “Return to Eden: An Herbal Medicine Field Guide”. She also offers a training class there where they grow many of the plants used in their medicines. The book is available from several sources. I’ve know Judy for many years and been to her clinic many times. They are doing great work with herbal medicines.

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Hi Chris, I know of Graham Knight (
in UK that is into natural medicine and Owen Kandulu ( in Malawi that is also into natural medicine but I m aware if they have institutions.

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Thanks everyone for your suggestions and contacts.

Feel free to continue to post more programs here as you find them, as I will too.

Thanks Bob. I did email Roger Sharland through the REAP’s email in Feb but have yet to hear back. Thankfully their site has some nice resources, also especially for Artemisia.

Hi there - medicinal plants are a major resource in Cuban health care - you should probably visit as it would be too difficult to link you with individuals. Recently moringa capsules went on sale - the pharmacy near us sold out in hours!!! So tinctures, capsules, leaves and twigs are available as a normal part of health care. Doctors write prescriptions for either. There are major growing programmes all over the country and then processing plants. I am currently in Canada - so you can contact me more easily.