Pruning techniques to encourage bushing out

I am curious what pruning techniques people have found to be the most effective in encouraging lateral, bushing-type growth. Specifically for increased forage production. I know about correct coppicing and pollarding techniques for resetting older plants, but I am curious about how you would recommend pruning a younger tree/shrub that hasn’t been abused yet, in order to get the desired lateral growth habit right to begin with.

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I had a 3 some of Japanese plum trees that required 8hrs pruning per tree each Spring just prior to budding out. I cut every twig that was not going out sideways, that means I snipped every new growth upward or downward, leaving only those growing outward to the sides. What a lot of work on 40+ yr old plums, but has to be my favorite smelling & looking of all my fruit trees.

just a thought :heart: