Reducing flooding

The small farmerJack bean project in Uganda and Kenya is going well despite the extreme weather and lack of proper funding.
But as many main crops have been devastated hundreds of small farmers are now forced to eat the bean plant leaves and pods.

Flooding is happening nearly everywhere but, it is claimed by some, much less in fields now growing Jack Beans.
While it is obvious that rain penetration will increase where the soil has a cover crop is it possible that it will be such as to notably minimise flooding?

Has anyone had a similar experience?
Graham Knight

Interesting thought, Graham. What scale of fields// plots are the jack beans being grown on? If they occupy a substantial area of land on the watershed, I can imagine that there may be more infiltration if the normal situation is degraded soil. Would love to learn more about this.

Thanks Graham , currently am planting mine ,Thanks for the support

Dear Mark,
Jack beans have been and are being sown over a large area of Uganda.

The rain is almost incessant but farmers keep on growing them

knowing JB will probably survive.
Oxfam and World Vision are now interested but we have yet to
persuade them to adopt JB and save lives.
Tell me more about your situation.
Graham Knight

Note PDF

FMCC - Just jack 2020.pdf (393 KB)

Dear Vincent,
Jack beans have been and are being sown over a large area of Uganda.

The rain is almost incessant but farmers keep on growing them

knowing JB will probably survive.
Oxfam and World Vision are now interested but we have yet to
persuade them to adopt JB and save lives.
Tell me more about your situation.
Graham Knight