Hi I just saw that no one had a topic on this very important discovery regarding waters 4th phase and how it relates to life and also farming. I’ve been reading Mr. Pollock’s research for a few years now and it’s pretty impressive stuff. He has some fantastic lectures particularly done at the Electric Universe conferences where they discuss all kinds of implications of energy on living systems. I believe his findings are the actual answer on how clouds form and why rain falls etc which has massive implications to our work in developing farming systems and working within eco systems.
If you want to know why water gives life, and how to transform water into living water which automatically purifies itself, you should dig into his works. Water for farming can be structured in the delivery system which in turn adds a multiplying effect for providing electrons for plant growth and soil conditioning. It can also help people live since many of us don’t have access to clean water with excess electrons which we need to power our own cells, like when we get electrons from earth grounding.
Happy learning, feel free to contact me if you like this kind of research too.
I’ll listen to Pollock’s talk because I’m interested in knowing more about the Electric Universe. I have a friend who’s told me a bit about it but I didn’t understand much. I just might give you a holler sometime next month about all this
Thanks Derrick 
Thanks Derrick. I finally got around to the video you sent, and watched an interview with Dr. Pollack. In neither video does he mention agriculture or even anything substantial about plants. I’ll watch the 2 videos in the playlist that have the words structured water in the video titles (parts 1 and 2), and the one on plant electrotropism

Hiya Derrick
Started thinking about the electric universe stuff again, so I’ve returned to this thread. You wrote in the OP:
Water for farming can be structured in the delivery system which in turn adds a multiplying effect for providing electrons for plant growth and soil conditioning. It can also help people live since many of us don’t have access to clean water with excess electrons which we need to power our own cells, like when we get electrons from earth grounding.
This is very interesting stuff. Do you know where I can find more information? I’ve watched the Gerald Pollack video you linked to in the OP, and the others you sent links to in your response to me in February of last year. Sure seems to me there’s no mention of farming or plants!
Thanks, Troy