Symposium publishing funding

Hi all, a question on publishing Symposium papers. The organisation in mind is in Southern Africa, and not well-funded. They’ve had a recent symposium, so there are over 20 papers to be published (ideally). Does anyone know if there are grants available from WHO or similar to self-publish that sort of thing?

Hello Beth!

We published our ECHO Asia Conference Proceedings a few years ago, and CABI International was willing to index it for us, for free. Keep in mind that we compiled, formatted, and self-published on echocommunity first. I contacted Uma Sabapathy Allen ( at the time, and it was a very simple process. Perhaps if the symposium is directly related to the work of ECHO we would be interested to house it here on echocommunity (@ssnyder thoughts?).

We will absolutely consider publishing within ECHOcommunity if the content addresses agricultural and related development challenges faced by small-scale farmers and the advisors who serve them. Works published on ECHOcommunity directly are available not only on but can also be downloaded in the ECHOcommunity mobile app. Please see the link below for more information on publishing within the ECHOcommunity platform. Feel free to reach out to me directly.

That’s so awesome, thank you. I have suggested it to the organisation and will leave it to them to make contact. Really helpful, thanks. Hope all going well in Thailand :slight_smile:

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That is incredibly valuable, thank you. I have suggested it to the organisation, and will leave it to them to get in contact. I am always wishing more information (such as scientific journals) were free access, so that we can all make progress together. The issues such as climate change are way too big not to share resources. So thank you for what you’re doing in that area. Much appreciated.

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@ssnyder I’ve read through your reply as I’m searching for ‘ECHO Inc. publishing’ to submit a manuscript, but I’m stumped. Can you give us guidance how to do it?

We are looking for a publisher, not just to share a resource. I see some of the titles published have the ECHO logo.


Hi Stacia! My name is Stacy Swartz and I publish much of ECHO’s agricultural technical information (ECHO Development Notes, ECHO Technical Notes, etc.) and work with partners who wish to publish through ECHO Inc.

You can find our author style guide and submission information here: ECHO Publications: Instructions for Authors |

You can read about our different publications here: ECHO Publications |

All submissions should be sent to or

Please feel free to reach out to me via this email if you have any additional questions!

HI - I wrote an email yesterday but I don’t see it, I replied to the community from email. I’ve just sent another test.

My husband used the instructions on the link to write tot he publications team but the email listed there is wrong

  • could you ask someone to update it with the one. you have here in your reply?


Hi Stacia,

I apologize. The email is I have now corrected it. But our IT team has also added so either will now work.

I am sorry for the confusion.


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Hi Stacia,

I just wanted to confirm with you, that the ECHO publications team has received your submission. Thank you!


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