Sometime back there was a discussion on the use of human urine in farming. I looked but cannot find that conversation. One of the participants spoke about how urine was collected and used at Echo farm in Florida. It seems to me that before using it, it is stored and maybe fermented. I would be interested in that information.
We have been using ours directly. And that’s worked well for years but now we’re looking at injecting it into our drip irrigation system for labor saving purposes. That would afford us the opportunity to store it and ferment… if there is advantages to doing so.
Using human urine is very good and I was advised by a former and retired agriculture teacher that to use it more effective, it shouldn’t be added in any substance.
Abdu, thank you for your comment. It is interesting but not sure I totally understand. Can you say more about “it shouldn’t be added in any substance.” Please clarify.