Whats in your garden

Looks like the best time to plant here in South Texas will be the Feb 28th 2025
My garden itself is small 120ft × 50ft tilled & ready to sow.
I have a dozen assort 60+ yr old pecan trees, lots of pears, Ive lost 3 dozen well established fruit trees over the last 10 yrs
I have a 100ft well.
I have 1 50ft pond & have another pond being dug this Summer. Like to locate some French black copper maran hens

Cowboy friend has 100+ black angus, 100 goats, 100 sheep

Fertilizing Pecan Trees
(ammonium nitrate)
33% or 34%

Ive always just come out 3/4 from the trunk to the drip line. 1ft deep hole, move 8ft make another if your pecan tree trunk is small, & the canopy isnt giant of coarse that wouldnt be too many holes hole 1ft deep (post hole diggers) all the way around the tree. I had the amount to use calculated by the fertilizer co. Correct amount is 3/4 quart ball jar per hole in however many holes it takes to travel the circumference 3/4 distance from the trunkline to the drip line 8ft apart.

do again end of June, light hose sprayer with zink 1 time mo for 4 months

Aloha Gardens

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Thats nice, Mike
Im smack dab in the center of a real heavily anticipated neighbor hood that cant get enough of their pride. City is not about to allow me to screw with their pigs :grin:

I see you have a pretty good patch of peppers.


cayenne go great with pears

I have a few dozen brandywine red, & a few dozen peppes to get going this weekend, Bantam sweet corn (whole lb) will take out the 15ft ×100ft along the back fence, southern bell red onions, garlic, French shell geen beans, French fingerling potatoes, lil gem lettuce & mustard grees, carrots, long island cheese & seminole squash, okra, okinawa sweet potatoe, bradford watermelon, Probably a few spots of misc what I can find in my seeds.

I use a lot lot lot of hay, I have 2 round bales sitting here. Keep my rows sometimes a ways apart because I dont care for weeding & muddy feet, just mow, water (if necessary) & oh, I forget whats after that

Ive switched to using 4’×250’ rolls of corrugated cardboard under the hay (kidney issues 1 Summer from complications of a long date with cancer) like to never got the black weed cloth out of all the grass. I have a 20’×100’ shade cloth


I laid 2500ft of sprinkler line 20 yrs ago, 30 heads

You’re like me, how come I feel like I dont have enough plants all the time


My fav shot, shadow of the crucifix watching over my garden

I was telling some friends a story, just thought I pass it on.

Bees are absolutely a must have. FUN.

Ive had more people smart off to me here only to find my shovel kept next to the hive takes 1 hard pop against the box, that doesnt happen again.

All the yrs Ive kept bees not 1 went by without me accidently or deliberately turning my head into the size of a basketball.

Mosquito bites (unless ya dumb enough to not get your pf flyers movin)

Ive had people run to their cars and try to roll up the windows here. I try not to laugh cause I know it hurts, but when I tell them thats a bad idea, & they do it anyway ?

Best security guards on the planet ! (your bees ok my being here)

dumb question.

You dont run in the house you have bees after you.

You wont get back in there till they’ve finished partying !

lots & lots & lots of soapy soapy soapy water all over you


Get that scent of the stingers off or they WILL find you.

That should only be done OUTSIDE a 1l2 block away !

Hopefully you are not a slow mover. The next time you wont bee.

Oilfield I didnt run into many hives in the wild. It was always the yellow jackets that snuck up behind you

You can tell if there is a hive of honey bees around, there will be a few buzzing.

Yellow jackets dont give you a warning.

Red wasps, just dont dig in their hole ! Shouldnt be going around poking your finger in holes anyway.
That goes triple for anything else you think goes in a hole.

                 amen to that

Barn out where I use to help raise cattle I visited a couple yrs after the old man died. Was leaving when the wind caught the door & slammed it hard. A swarm of bees came out so fast, it was about 2 dozen hives worth & they were suddenly not 1 bit content that they had to be disturbed. A cloud took a hold of the sky 20ft above my head while loose bees were flying around thicker then the mosquitos in the Tivoli swamps. I started thinking while I held onto that tin door hard trying my hardest not to breathe, or blink saying to myself, oh this is going to hurt bad, Im thinking real real bad. And my mind kept saying that repeatedly. I start to realize after about 45 or so seconds, hey, they arent carrying my idiot butt up in a tree to chow when I squinted & saw them in that 100ft × 75ft wide cloud thicker than the size of the moon hanging close enough for me to almost reach, “those damn bees are laughing so hard at my petrified shit, last thing on their mind is to ruin a good time” Just about then that swarm cloud of bees moved about 1mph about 200 ft away to a big ole tree & surrounded the outside. Most amazing thing you could imagine seeing, they just pulled themself slowing to the heart of the tree like they were being sucked in to it, & became a huge black mass in the center branches about 50ft high. I thought holy wowsers, nobody is ever going to believe this !

Still about a godzillion loose bees about 3 min later I brought myself to slowly move the 75ft away to my pickup, thinking 25mi in the country I had locked it ?

Well, thats what I think of bees (smarter that me) they bee.

When I had got out of my truck to go to the barn that day, the grass was so high I stepped smack dab thick biggest king snake & I should of thought, hey, bad day, maybe some other time ? But no, I was going field traveling back in time thru the barn, that was why I came here anyway ?

GOD to lil robin: uh huh, & yet ?

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bee merry

Oh yeah, John Westphall is a lifetime friend of mine since 8 yrs old. We grew up here. Johns been in Nashville, Tn last 50 yrs

Don’t work too hard my friends
(Y’a make me look bad)

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Im just going to drop the height gauge on the tiller all the way down & trench a small circle around the circumference of each pecan tree & pour the fetilizer in, kick the dirt over & been done. Do it again end of June.

Need to grab a hose sprayer & zinc somehow

Tractor w/tiller has tilled the garden twice the last month. I now have a nice TroyBilt Horse tiller w/furrow attachment too.

Garden is prepped & ready, plants are sitting here, & I have seed also.


I guess I am a new bee here